Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Food coloring Easter Egg Dye

This was the first year we were painting eggs with Miss Milly.  I managed to make it to the night before Easter without preparing the eggs and no egg dye.  Fabulous.  So I boiled the eggs the night before and searched the my favorite fall back, Pinterest, for some way to color these eggs without the help of Paas.  Thank goodness I discovered I had the ingredients to make dye.  I used 1 cup of water, 2 tablespoons of white vinegar, and food coloring.  Whew!  I used about 10 drops of food coloring for each color and even mixed a couple to make more than just the primary colors.  I was concerned that they would be too light in color and run a whole lot but they actually turned out really well.  Mill had so much fun and I used another Pinterest tip of using a wire whisk to put the egg in to make it easier for her to dip them.  We had a wonderful relaxing Easter and hope you did too!

(Yes, that is a tiara in her hair.  :) )

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