Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Big E

So I am missing my nephew a little bit (okay a lot) so here is a cute picture of him. I cannot wait to see him next month. It is going to be slumber party heaven. When I was telling my other younger brother how much fun it was going to be to spend time with Ethan and how it was going to be like a slumber party, he groaned and said, "Please don't dress him up in girls clothes and take pictures." You see, he is referring to when we were both a lot younger and I would dress him up in my doll clothes. My brother is 8 years younger than me so when I was around 10 he was 2 and like a living doll to me and my friends. And there are pictures documenting this. We don't seem to know where they are though. Hopefully they don't get in the wrong hands. My brother is going to kill me for posting this.


kim* said...

aw he is a cutie!

Debra said...

I think every big sister has dressed their little brother up...funny story!!
You nephew is a cutie.

Cthings said...

HA! I liked reading about dressing your brother up! Your nephrew is adorable!

Janice said...

Awwww, what a cutie!